Billing and Fee Collection

Billing and Fee Collection

by admin

We know the business of community safety can be very time consuming, therefore we are here to take the responsibility of client billing and fee collection off your hands. As a full-service provider of electronic monitoring products, we will collect all fees for any SCRAM electronic monitoring product being used by your clients.

We make it convenient for the client by offering a variety of payment methods: cash, money order, and all major credit cards.

We will:

  • Work directly with clients to manage billing and fee collections
  • Prepare and educate courts and agencies on various client payment plan options
  • Perform all accounting activities and recordkeeping relative to client payments, including notification to the court and supervising agency

Target 25 Program Reducing Repeat DUIs by 90%

In the Target 25 program, SCRAM CAM is being used on second and higher DUI offenses to help deter repeat offenses, as well as serving as an assessment tool to get these hardcore drunk drivers the treatment they need to effect long-term behavior change.
